Iris as illustrated in the Maiden Oracle as "Below the Robe" (left) and in the Ad Orbita Tarot as the Queen of Pentacles (right).
Iris contains meanings in the Maiden Oracle and the Ad Orbita Tarot, as well. From the bulbs of ideas sprung from this Spring's garden painting to the cards:
Below the Robe
The goddess Iris offers a veil, a robe that becomes rope to pull us from our depths into a better place. A kindred spirit to the Maiden’s Persephone card, we are protected by a traveler between two worlds with Iris. Her dress is swaying among our shoulders, tangled on our ears. We must reach outside ourselves and be carried clear from fears.
Pentacles Queen
Nurture the magic of ancient light set on untouched surfaces with the Queen of Pentacles' Iris. So much time is spent fearing the unknown, or wanting for its surprises. Yet here we rest at peace, as it settles or rises.